Psychic medium Rebeccah Rhodes picks up on my moving glass at MONA
Spiritual healer Paul Carlson makes Jim’s back pain disappear
Kristi Beams reads my aura photo with startling accuracy and insight
Yep. A hat-trick of WHAT THE..?!s appeared out of nowhere at Hobart Psychic Expo and I’d like to know if you think they’re WHAT THE..?! worthy.
N.B.: Bold turquoise words are links (but not this sentence 😉 )
On the last day of our stay in Hobart, 7th January 2018, we decided to try out the Hobart Psychic Expo since we didn’t get to visit the clairvoyant on our Daylesford trip.
Besides, browsing a psychic expo seemed like a good lazy Sunday activity to do after a big night at Wrest Point Casino. We googled the address, Best Western Hotel, 156 Bathurst St Hobart, and spotted it within a fifteen minute walk from MACq 01 Hotel.
Ironically, at first we weren’t in tune with the Hobart Psychic Expo. We thought Google had led us to the wrong place. This was due to our preconceived notions of what it would look like.
We stood on a nearby corner looking over at Best Western Hotel and then checked Google again, thinking that the address was incorrect. We expected to see banners and flags or some signs, any sign, announcing that the Expo was there.
I had visions of it being a smaller version of a Melbourne Mind, Body, Spirit Festival (held in June and/or November) with pricey ticket entry, food, and a throng of expo-goers in a largish, flashy show room filled with rows and rows of stalls. I looked at Jim.
“This has to be it,” I said.
What happens next at Hobart Psychic Expo?
We entered the building to discover that the Hobart Psychic Expo was indeed there, in a modest, uncrowded room with gold coin entry. There were several stalls (tables) and across the back of the room a few rows of tables and chairs with various-gifted psychics sitting at some of them.
I wasn’t expecting any WHAT THE…?!s to appear, but then a hat-trick of them calmly began to unfold before us and again my preconceived notions were proven wrong.
“We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are.” Anais Nin
The first stall holder displayed a large table of crystals from China, in assorted sizes, shapes, and colours.
He told us that each crystal is unique and contains particular energy properties. You choose the crystal that draws you to it in order to get the healing energy from it that you need. We moved on.

Another stall holder was ultra intent on expounding to us the amazing benefits of his mind body soul products network marketing business and how it had allowed him to fly all around the world and retire. Money pouring in while he slept. Yet here he was on a Sunday…
We moved along and met Dr Jason Betts, who was managing the event. He had a sincere and obliging vibe.

When I got back to Melbourne, I learned that he was the founder and organiser of The Tasmanian Mind Body Spirit and Psychic Expos held in Hobart, Launceston, and Devonport periodically throughout the year. Also, not only is Dr Betts 2008 Australian Psychic of the Year, he’s also 2010 Tasmanian Psychic of the Year.
Psychic medium Rebeccah Rhodes
picks up on my moving glass at MONA
Laid out on a large table in front of Dr Betts were the profiles of the psychic mediums describing where their strengths lay. Cost was $60AUD per half hour session. I chose Rebeccah Rhodes because she didn’t need to use Tarot Cards. I wanted a reading without the use of pictures for prompts. Also, Rebeccah’s photo had a warm, down-to-earth, offbeat vibe.
Rebeccah was lovely and a little nervous. She was accurate about several things and about others, not so much. When there was a lull in the conversation, she asked me to question her about anything I wanted to know. I immediately thought of my WHAT THE..?! moving glass experience at MONA Museum, but I was mindful not to give too much away.
“What can you tell me about a glass of sparkling wine?” I asked her drily and with a poker face.
Rebeccah paused. Her eyes opened wide. “It moved,” she exclaimed.
Then she used her own glass to show me how it glided across the table.
I was flabbergasted!

I mean, the wine could have related to the celebration of a momentous family occasion or a work promotion.
It could have spilled over someone by accident or on purpose, or the glass could have smashed and caused someone to end up with stitches. But no, she immediately said that it had moved. Rebeccah then said that she felt it was the energy of a convict from Port Arthur who wanted to be noticed and that I was the most receptive in the room at that time.
Psychic Reading WHAT THE..?! Poll
Thank you to the supporters of Mentone Public Library for voting manually in this poll!
Spiritual healer Paul Carlson
makes Jim’s back pain disappear
Jim’s back was playing up and had been sore for several months. He had tried different approaches such as Kieser training, chiropractic adjustment, massages, and a chair back support, to help alleviate it. Nothing had worked. It was hard for Jim to sit in his office chair, lie on the couch to watch a movie, do gardening etc. due to the pain.
Although Jim is sceptical of psychics and spiritual healers, he had nothing to lose except $30AUD for ten minutes of rest and, by a miracle, perhaps something to gain in the way of a little relief, so he lay down (a little reluctantly) on Paul Carson’s table at the Hobart Psychic Expo really not expecting much. We were there anyway. May as well give it a go.
Jim said that he felt a strong, warm, pleasant sensation move around his body while Paul applied hands-off spiritual healing to him.
Hands-off approach to healing at the Hobart Psychic Expo.
Apologies for the poor sound quality. (Actually, it adds to the mystical effect!)
How long did the healing last?
Throughout the rest of the day, Jim commented on how his back felt much better. He sat down and ate comfortably without any pain that evening at the Cinnamon Indian Gourmet restaurant.
Four months later, Jim still wasn’t experiencing any back pain! He could easily sit for long periods in an office chair and watch full length movies on the couch with no problem. Not only that, we were amazed that he spent eight hours one day bent over gardening.
Over the past few months, however, Jim has started to feel some resurgence of back pain, but this could be attributed to his over activity. He sought the services of the local Reiki facilitator to combat this, but unfortunately this treatment did not have the same nullifying effect as Paul Carlson did.

Paul Carlson, we believe that whatever you did was amazing and we would totally recommend your spiritual healing application. Thank you for the relief of pain that you gave Jim lasting four months. We need to head back to Tassie to see you!
Paul has since replied that he also does distance spiritual healing, which can often be more effective! WHAT THE..?!
Spiritual Healing WHAT THE..?! Poll!
Thank you to the supporters of Mentone Public Library for voting manually in this poll!
Kristi Beams reads my aura photo
with startling accuracy and insight
While I was waiting for my appointment with Kristi, I looked at a number of aura photos on her table. No two polaroid aura photos were the same and they revealed various displays of colour.
Some people’s auras consisted of pastel or dark or bright shades of colour. Some auras radiated extensively while others were small and contained.
My first impression of Kristi was that she genuinely was a lovely soul who cared about people. I sat in a chair and placed my hands on the metal hand plates on the armrests either side of me.

Kristi explained that the metal hand plates would read and translate my energy field into visible colours and form. I had to close my eyes to avoid the bright photo light.
When my aura polaroid developed (see below), Kristi grinned and exclaimed, “My rainbow girl.” I was surprised that my photo was so deeply colourful; I was still recovering from the fine wining and dining experience at The Point Revolving Restaurant and staying out late at Wrest Point Casino the night before!
BTW – the scratch you can see in the photo is a real scratch on the original polaroid photo.

The reading…
Kristi’s reading was detailed and delivered warmly. She spoke in a relaxed, yet factual way. At length Kristi interpreted the meaning of every colour, position of colour, and blends of colour that were unique to me.
Kristi relayed details about my past and present with great accuracy. She explained that the green area represented the near future and that it would be positive and productive. Kristi described the strengths and personalities of my parents and of myself. The pink and white blends in the outskirts of my aura showed that I had experienced strong spiritual growth and was moving forward with a developed sense of spiritual clarity.
Kristi also mentioned that I had an unusually large violet circle over my chest, which meant that I carried a significant amount of “grandmother love” with me, which could mean the love directly from my grandmother and/or that I show grandmotherly love to others.
At the end of the half hour reading (cost $60AUD) I felt a great connection with Kristi and she asked me for a hug. I enjoyed the whole experience and can genuinely recommend a reading from Kristi. Although Jim’s not big on these sorts of things, he said he was very impressed.
Aura Photo Poll
Thank you to the supporters of Mentone Public Library for voting manually in this poll!